Discover the Path to Healing: Premium Physiotherapy Services in Wynnum at Silky Oaks Medical


Giving our health and welfare top priority has never been more crucial than it is in the fast-paced world of today. To fully benefit from physiotherapy, tailored attention is required. At Silky Oaks Medical in Wynnum, we appreciate the need to tailor therapies to meet particular needs and goals. In this post, we’ll examine the methods that underlie our customised approach to physical therapy and show off Silky Oaks Medical‘s excellent service and expertise.

The Importance of Personalized Care in Physiotherapy

Unfortunately, physiotherapy does not have a one-size-fits-all methodology. Each person is unique, with their own set of afflictions, physical issues, and goals. We at Silky Oaks Medical are committed to provide individualised care that considers these unique characteristics. By appreciating the value of individualised care, we can make sure that our patients get the best possible care that is catered to their individual needs.

Meet the Experts at Silky Oaks Medical

Our group of exceptionally talented and knowledgeable physiotherapists is something we are proud of at Silky Oaks Medical. Our staff members have received in-depth training and have a solid grasp of the various physiotherapy approaches. With their knowledge, they can precisely analyse and diagnose certain illnesses, creating individualised treatment regimens that take care of the primary causes of pain or damage.

Unveiling Secrets of Personalized Care

Our approach to offering customised care entails a number of essential elements. Prior to anything else, we carry out a thorough evaluation to completely comprehend the unique needs and objectives of each of our patients. We can create personalised treatment regimens that concentrate on certain problem areas thanks to this assessment. We make sure that each treatment plan is customised to the specific requirements of the individual by taking into account aspects like medical history, lifestyle, and personal preferences.

Physio Wynnum
Female Physiotherapist working examining treating injured arm of male patient, stretching and exercise.

The key to our great treatment at Silky Oaks Medical is our dedication to knowing and satisfying the particular needs of each patient. We take pride in our personalised approach to physical therapy. Let’s look deeper into the salient features that characterise our strategy for providing personalised care, to give you the finest care possible, we employ a variety of specific methods and modalities. Individualised Methods and Modalities. We customise the treatment strategies depending on your condition and response in order to get the greatest outcomes. These strategies may include manual therapy, joint mobilisation, therapeutic exercises, electrotherapy, and more.
To ensure maximum efficacy, our physiotherapists will regularly evaluate your progress and modify the course of therapy as necessary.

The Benefits of Personalized Physiotherapy

Numerous advantages come with choosing individualised physical treatment at Silky Oaks Medical. Patients can heal more quickly and get better results by having therapies that are particularly created for their ailments. The customised method also enables improved mobility, more functioning, and more effective pain management. We provide our patients with the tools they need via individualised treatment to take back control of their health and well-being, promoting a sense of confidence and empowerment.

  1. Targeted Therapy: Individualised physical therapy aims to treat the underlying causes of pain or damage. Our highly qualified physiotherapists at Silky Oaks Medical identify the precise areas of concern through a thorough evaluation and provide personalised treatment regimens. This focused strategy makes sure that every therapy session has a goal and is productive, maximising the chance for healing.
Physiotherapy at Wynnum
Physical therapist giving legs massage to young man at rehab center. Physio massaging man’s legs.

2. Effective pain management: Pain can negatively affect everyday activities and one’s quality of life. The focus of personalised physical therapy is on comprehending each person’s particular pain experience. Our physiotherapists can successfully manage and relieve pain by using specialised methods, exercises, and modalities by determining the underlying causes of the suffering. The end outcome is improved pain management and general well-being.

3. Personalised physical therapy can help you regain and improve your mobility and functionality whether you’re recuperating from an injury, controlling a chronic illness, or seeking preventative treatment. Our physiotherapists at Silky Oaks Medical collaborate with you to increase range of motion, flexibility, and strength via focused exercises, manual treatment methods, and gradual rehabilitation. This enables you to reclaim your freedom and take part in activities that make your life enjoyable and fulfilling.

Physio Wynnum

4. Individualised Guidance and Support: Physiotherapy that is tailored to the patient goes beyond simple physical therapy. Our caring staff at Silky Oaks Medical is aware that successful recovery depends on receiving emotional support and direction. We take the time to hear your worries, respond to your enquiries, and educate you on your condition. We promote a sense of empowerment, confidence, and active engagement in your recovery path by arming you with knowledge and immersing you in your own treatment.

5. Long-Term Health and Prevention: The advantages of personalised physical therapy go beyond short-term healing. Our physiotherapists work to improve your condition’s long-term health and avert further injuries or consequences by treating the underlying causes of your problem. We provide you with the skills and information you need to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle through individualised exercise programmes, dietary changes, and instruction on injury prevention measures.

Silky Oaks Medical
Physiotherapist examining treating injured back o male patient, doing the rehabilitation therapy pain at silky oaks medical.

We at Silky Oaks Medical have personally observed the benefits of tailored physical therapy on the lives of our patients. Both their physical health and overall quality of life have seen noticeable adjustments. Due to our commitment to providing customised care, you will receive the consideration, information, and support you need on your path to maximum health and well-being.

Don’t wait any longer to benefit from Silky Oaks Medical‘s superior customised physiotherapy in Wynnum. Make an appointment with our helpful staff right away to start living a better, more energetic life.

Patient Success Stories

We at Silky Oaks Medical have seen incredible success stories as a consequence of our personalised treatment strategy. Patients’ situations have significantly improved, from chronic pain treatment to post-injury rehabilitation. We hope that by sharing these experiences, we can motivate others and demonstrate the beneficial effects of individualised physiotherapy on general well-being.

How to Get Started at Silky Oaks Medical

It’s easy to get started at Silky Oaks Medical if you’re prepared to benefit from customised physical treatment. During your first visit, we will take the time to completely understand your goals and needs in order to develop a treatment plan for you. Contact us to set up an appointment.


At Silky Oaks Medical, we think that individualised treatment is the secret to maximising the benefits of physical therapy. We make sure that our patients receive the best care possible by customising therapies to match their unique requirements and goals. For our patients in Wynnum, we strive to deliver a transformational experience via the use of our qualified team of physiotherapists and a thorough approach to examination and therapy. At Silky Oaks Medical, receive individualised care and move on with your quest for ideal health and well-being.

Experience Personalized Care: Unveiling the Secrets of Physiotherapy in Wynnum at Silky Oaks Medical


Physiotherapy is an essential element of medical care that aims to improve and restore physical well-being. Silky Oaks Medical, a leader in individualised care and provider of excellent physiotherapy services, is located in the quiet Wynnum suburb. Silky Oaks Medical is committed to offering patients individualised treatment regimens created to match their specific needs. The organisation employs a group of people with exceptional skills. This article examines the inner workings of physiotherapy at Silky Oaks Medical in Wynnum and considers how individualised care may improve your health and well-being.

Understanding the Importance of Personalized Care in Physiotherapy

Effective physiotherapy centres on individualised care. Each person has unique requirements and objectives, necessitating a therapy strategy that is catered to them. The staff at Silky Oaks Medical is aware of how important it is to take these clients’ unique needs into account.

Physio Wynnum
Physiotherapist examinating Asian lady at Wynnum

They obtain a deep grasp of each patient’s condition through rigorous examinations and in-depth conversations, enabling them to create tailored treatment regimens that have the best chance of success.

Meet the Experts at Silky Oaks Medical

The Silky Oaks Medical team is made up of highly qualified physiotherapists. These specialists are qualified to handle a wide range of illnesses and wounds. Thanks to their extensive hands-on expertise, they remain abreast of the most recent advancements in physiotherapy methods and procedures. By selecting Silky Oaks Medical, you have access to a team of experts that are committed to your health and are well-versed in Wynnum physiotherapy.

Unveiling the Secrets of Personalized Care

Comprehensive Assessment and Diagnosis

The goal of Silky Oaks Medical is to identify the underlying reasons for your ailment through a thorough examination and diagnosis procedure. Their physiotherapists learn important details about your medical background, way of life, and particular issues through in-depth conversations and physical tests. This all-encompassing strategy guarantees a thorough comprehension of your particular situation, resulting in more successful treatment outcomes.

Designing Personalized Treatment Plans

Following the examination, the Silky Oaks Medical team creates individualised treatment regimens that are catered to your unique needs.

Silky Oaks Medical Physio
Physio excercise

These programmes include a variety of approaches, activities, and modalities that are supported by research. The physiotherapists at Silky Oaks Medical have the knowledge to create a strategy that accelerates your rehabilitation, whether you need manual treatments, exercise regimens, or specialised interventions.

The Benefits of Personalized Physiotherapy

Improved outcomes and faster recovery You can have better treatment outcomes and quicker recovery times with individualised physical therapy. The personalised approach guarantees that your unique demands are met, facilitating a faster recovery process. Personalised physical therapy speeds your recovery by concentrating on the underlying reasons of your illness, enabling you to restore function and resume your regular activities with confidence.

Effective Pain Management and Enhanced Mobility

Silky Oaks Medical is aware of how pain might affect your day-to-day activities. Their professionals use individualised physiotherapy as a way to successfully treat pain and increase mobility. Personalised treatment can help relieve pain, restore joint and muscle function, and improve your general mobility by focusing on the root causes of your suffering.

Increased Functionality and Overall Well-being

At Silky Oaks Medical, personalised physical therapy is intended to improve your entire functionality and well-being. The therapies offered seek to enhance not only your physical skills but also your mental and emotional well-being by treating the underlying causes of your problem.

The physiotherapists at Silky Oaks Medical collaborate with you to improve and regain your functional skills through focused exercises, manual treatments, and specialised methods. Regardless matter whether you are recovering from an accident, controlling a chronic illness, or seeking preventative care, the individualised approach ensures that your specific goals and needs are taken into account throughout the treatment process.

Physiotherapy Silky Oaks Medical
Female Physiotherapist working examining treating injured arm of male patient, stretching and exercise.

As you follow your individualised therapy plan, your balance, flexibility, coordination, strength, and all of your other talents will improve.

Additionally, customised physical treatment might benefit your mental and emotional health. Your attitude and mood may suffer as a result of dealing with pain, restricted movement, or functional restrictions. Silky Oaks Medical seeks to reduce your physical suffering and enhance your mental condition by treating these difficulties via individualised care. You could notice an improvement in your general happiness and well-being as you restore your functionality and get pain relief.

Silky Oaks Medical‘s all-encompassing strategy guarantees that your individualised physiotherapy adventure continues outside of the clinic. The exercises, self-management techniques, and counselling that physiotherapists provide can help you improve your daily activities. This promotes long-term sustainability and continuous development even after your planned physiotherapy treatments are finished by giving you the tools to actively take charge of your own health and well-being.

Physiotherapy Wynnum
A physiotherapist is treating a patient’s knee

In conclusion, Silky Oaks Medical‘s personalised physiotherapy offers a complex strategy for enhancing your functionality and general well-being. Your specific needs, goals, and concerns are taken into account as physiotherapists create tailored treatment plans that result in excellent outcomes. By increasing your functionality, controlling your pain, and enhancing your sense of well-being, personalised care enables you to live an active and full life.

A brief history of silky oaks medical, try it today!

Physiotherapy provides services to maintain, develop, and restore full functional mobility and capacity at all ages. It deals with identifying and increasing the possibilities of motion in areas of rehabilitation, treatment, and prevention of physical health.


Physiotherapy is performed and supervised by a specialist. This therapy is not only about prescribing some activities, medicaments, or massages. It involves interaction between the physical therapist, the patient or client, and the family.


physio wynnum


We can group the Physiotherapist’s process into three main stadiums: assessment, treatment, and post-treatment. The process begins with assessing the health issue and dedication to the proper diagnosis. Then the physiotherapist prescribes health methods that will be applied to the patient: massages, exercises, electric stimulation to the wounded body part, joint replacement, etc. The final step is the rehabilitation (post-treatment) process. It begins after the finalizing of the previous step. It usually consists of recommendations given to the patient, which the patient should follow in the future.


This article will teach you some valuable tips about physio  Wynnum. You will also learn about Silky Oaks Medical as supreme physio Wynnum health service provider. Go ahead and find out how and where to ask for physio Wynnum’s help.


Physiotherapy In Wynnum


Physio Wynnum area can boast with several clinics that provide physio services. They are spread over several locations throughout Wynnum. It’s on you to do online research and find the exact locations.


In case you are not sure yet about the benefits of visiting physio Wynnum therapy. We are here to help you discover how it can benefit you.


physiotherapy wynnum


Physio Wynnum clinics offer different packages according to your needs. You have to contact some physio Wynnum clinic by phone, e-mail, or direct visit to the clinic. State your reason for coming. Your physio Wynnum therapist will listen to you carefully. However, each body’s conditions are unique and require a particular approach from the physio Wynnum specialist. Further treatment will be based on an accurate diagnosis. That’s why it is important to be honest with your physio Wunnum therapist and give him all relevant information about the issue.


It is worth noting that several physio Wynnum clinics provide Medicare insurance for employees. Take advantage of this unique possibility to get some discounts. Follow this link to learn more about this practice.


Silky Oaks Medical’s Beginnings


Silky Oaks Medical service was first mentioned in 1985 when Silky Oaks Children’s Haven founded the hospital. Later, Doctor Paul Mercer bought the medical practice from Silky Oaks Children’s Haven.


Matthew and Sara Mercer acquired the family business by purchasing the hospital and continued the family tradition in 2017. They have resumed growing and raising the success of the Silky Oaks Medical hospital until the present moment. An incredible 137 years of existence are being completed this year.


Throughout this period, Silky Oaks Medical faced a hard challenge to justify its existence by providing the most modern health services. However, the trust their patients have has been never questioned. One hundred thirty-seven years of existence is proof of quality, expertise, and satisfied patients and many reviews and 5 stars attest to that.


silky oaks medical


The incredible history of the hospital is only proof of the quality it has been providing for years. The centuries-old tradition is proof of perseverance, quality, and longevity. The trust the hospital built with the patients has constantly developed and will develop in the future. Hospitals with as much experience as Silky Oaks Medical are scarce. However, age is just a statistical number. Much more important are the positive experiences of patients who have passed through the corridors of Silky Oaks Medical Treatment.


Silky Oaks Medical has continued to invest in innovative methods to improve the future of health. Now, Silky Oaks Medical numbers count over 70 GP-trained Registrars and highly educated and patient-oriented staff. They have developed as a primary health service founded on Hippocratic medicine. On top of that, they have a long-term experience with proven results in providing health services and are constantly improving their skills through various seminars and participating in several health associations throughout Australia.


Silky Oaks Medical hospital operates with empathy by investigating, planning, and promoting human flourishing and patient dignity.


In the text below we will give you some helpful information about Silky Oaks Medical center. These instructions will help you learn where and how to use Silky Oaks Medical’s services. Additional information about payment options and health service prices is also available.



Silky Oaks Medical office located in the Manly West.


The primary one is housed on the Silky Oaks Campus next to Manly West State School. The address is 218 Manly Road, Manly West. The clinic is open from Monday to Friday 7 AM to 6 PM and Saturday from 8 AM to 1 PM. The clinic doesn’t provide services on Sundays and holidays. Additionally, you can do consultations with some physicians outside of working hours.



You can get in touch with the Silky Oaks Medical clinic in several ways. Here is the contact information:


  • Phone: 07 3396 9855
  • Fax: 07 3009 0032
  • For any emergency outside of working hours, call: 134 100
  • Send an email from the official website
  • Make a direct appointment through the website


silky oaks medical wynnum
Image taken from:



Available health services at Silky Oaks Medical


There is a wide range that Silky Oaks Medical clinic provides for clients. The extensive span of specialists, including male and female doctors, can provide care in many areas, including:


  • SKIN




If some of the services you need aren’t mentioned on the list feel free to call Silky Oaks Medical and speak directly with the representative who will direct you to the right specialist for a consultation.


Physiotherapy at Silky Oaks Medical


Physio Wynnum’s service at Silky Oaks Medical stands out with a skilled and friendly staff. The highly educated team of doctors is always at the disposal of the patients. Silky Oaks Medical offers physio examination services for adults and children with the physical treatment of neck and spine pain, hip and knee pain, injuries, improper posture, torticollis, foot deformities, etc.


Physiotherapy at Silky Oaks Medical covers a wide range of areas:


  • Wide range of sports Injuries
  • Strength and conditioning profile
  • Joint assessment
  • Team-based rehabilitation with Physio specialists around significant injuries
  • Metabolic and Hormone Profiles
  • Sprains – wrist, ankle

silky oaks medical practice


The skilled physio Wynnum specialists in Silky Oaks Medical approach each injury and each patient individually.


Whatever the cause of pain or discomfort, what you need to know is to seek professional help. Never suffer and ignore pain. Make an early appointment for a physiotherapy service at Silky Oaks Medical and take advantage of possible discounts. Don’t skimp on health.


Why Physiotherapy Is Important?


Physiotherapy is a crucial step in improving movement and living a pain-free life. Without physio Wynnum therapy, you risk improper healing and damage over a long time, which can only lead to complications, and you don’t want that. So react in time and seek help if an injury occurs. In addition to not ignoring the pain, you should recognize the recommendations of your physical therapist. If the doctor advises you to do exercises at home during the day, do not skip them. It is in your best interest to get well as soon as possible.


Physiotherapy is more than a healthy activity for restoring, maintaining, and developing the patient’s mobility, functions, and well-being. It is a way of life, and you must adhere to it properly.


silky oaks physio wynnum


Several branches of medicine use physio due to the benefits and comprehensive approach. It is not only rehabilitation after surgery or injury but much more than that. Many physio Wynnums’ methods are applied in the rest of medicine, like cardiology, neurology, or sports medicine.


Plenty of strengthening, muscle care, and endurance exercises can prevent numerous physical problems. Physiotherapy helps us prevent and treat such conditions and preserve our health. If injuries or other issues occur, physiotherapists help with treatment by applying various methods and techniques, exercises and education.


It is worth noting that physio Wynnum therapy can benefit people of all ages.


Final Thoughts


You have concluded that you need а physio Wynnum service to prevent any possible deterioration and improve your quality of life. Do not waste your time and risk worsening your health condition. Make physio Wynnum therapy become part of your life.


Silky Oaks Medical treatment instills trust as one of the most significant health traditions in the Manly West. Their longevity and endorsement, linked with their high experience in medicine, and state-of-the-art apparatus, place the clinic on the throne of medical services in the physio Wynnum area.

Silky Oaks Medical Treatment is so famous, but why?

Silky Oaks Medical Treatment dates back to 1985 when the clinic was originally founded by Silky Oaks Children’s Haven. The purpose of establishing it was to provide services to families in the local community. The foundation of the current hospital began when Michael started providing care to patients in Manly West.


At this moment, the practice can boast of over 70 GP-trained Registrars and highly valued skilled staff that will not compromise on what is important. Silky Oaks Medical has never stopped to invest in innovation to raise the future of health. The result is quality primary health services founded on Hippocratic medicine.


Silky Oaks Medical
Image taken from:


Silky Oaks Medical clinic works with compassion through partnership and planning that promotes human flourishing and dignity for the patients.


This article focuses on showing you why Silky Oaks Medical Treatment is so famous and why it should be your first choice when it comes to primary healthcare.


Location and Contact


Silky Oaks Medical clinic has two representative offices in the Manly West area.


The main one is located in Wynnum at 218 Manly Road Manly West, QLD, 4179 Australia, housed on the ground floor of the Main office building Silky Oaks Campus, next to Manly West State School. The clinic is in service for Wynnum citizens from Monday to Friday (8:30 am – 5 pm, excluding Thursday). The clinic is closed on Sundays and public holidays. Additionally, consultations with some doctors can be done outside of working hours.


Silky Oaks Treatment

Below is the contact information through which you can contact the hospital and make your appointment:

You could book a Silky Oaks Medical Treatment by making an appointment via this page.


Billing Information


Silky Oaks Medical has a mixed billing policy.


Be aware that only Medicare-covered patients can apply for rebates.


Bulk Billing as a second payment option is available for veterans, retirees, Health Care cardholders (issued by Centrelink), and children under 16 years during working hours. The bulk billing service operates from Monday to Friday (excluding Thursday) from 8:30 am to 5 pm.


Silky Oaks Treatment


Silky Oaks Medical has a fair cancellation policy. The clinic will charge a fee for appointments from your account if you don’t attend or you cancel less than 2 hours before the nominated time. All patients will receive reminder SMS messages and calls to confirm long appointments.


Here is an additional list of services and costs at Silky Oaks Medical that might be useful for you:

  • Drug/Alcohol Testing
  • Audiometry
  • ECG
  • Spirometry


How To Book


Make your appointment in two ways according to your will. Choose between:




Silky Oaks Medical practice provides plenty of services to its clients. Here are the most used services in the clinic:


  • General health and wellbeing. The service is available: onsite in the clinic, over the phone, or at home. This service includes: ECG, ABIs, spirometry, iron infusions, and ultrasound.


  • This service is available everywhere in Australia. It has begun due to the Covid 19 pandemic, but it’s available to date. Only patients that have physically visited the practice at least one time can use this service.


  • Men’s health. Experienced male and female GPs, skilled in men’s health provide the following services: injury assessment and diagnosis, relationship breakdown, porn or sex addiction, stress, depression, cancer prevention, and erectile dysfunction.


Manly West Physiotherapy

  • Women’s health. Highly educated female and male GPs provide services in this field of medicine. The service includes: menopause, labor / C section assistance, cervical smears, antenatal shared care with Mater Hospital, confirmation of pregnancy, breast checks, hormone checks, and issues, STI checks and treatment, Mirena and IUD insertion.


  • Hearing problems. The service includes: audiometry assessments, ear infections, and aches, ear syringing with a suction device, diagnosis, and referrals to ENT.


  • Children’s health. Skilled and experienced doctors in children’s health as well as development and promotion of the parent’s role in children’s growth. Some of the services provided are infant health assessment, disability assessments, problems with ears, and childhood vaccination.


Physiotherapy Services


The most recognizable sequence provided by Silky Oaks Medical in the Manly West area is physio Wynnum service. When we talk about success and consistency in work, we are talking about physio Wynnum practice in Silky Oaks Medical practice. They can boast of the most perfect physiotherapy services, all satisfied clients confirm that. The clinic stands out with a high degree of expertise in physiotherapy highly upright in front of other physio Wynnum clinics in the area.


Michael is in charge of all kinds of sports injuries applying a highly sophisticated approach to treatment. He is a skilled and friendly specialist who owns a Certificate in Sports Medicine.


Physio Wynnum

If you do sports activities you could rely on physio Wynnum treatment provided by Michael on his days of consultations: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. There are plenty of benefits for your physical condition from having a reliable partner when it comes to physio Wynnum service nearby your living space. Not only for treating some issues that emerged during sports activities, but you could use this service preventively. Physiotherapy is a broad term that includes a larger set of methods applied by physiotherapists. Find out how physiotherapy is done and more about this medical service, here in the link.


Michael is a full-time senior physiotherapist with more than 10 years of experience in physio Wynnum medicine. Look at the following individual services that belong to the group of physio Wynnum treatment in Silky Oaks Medical treatment:


–  Sports injuries

–   Hormone profiles

–   Metabolic profiles

–   Joint assessments

–   Ankle and wrist sprains

–   Strengthening of muscles and

–   Conditioning profiles


Final Thoughts


As one of the leading practices in the manly west precinct, Silky Oaks Medical treatment is a health institution that instils confidence. Professionalism and experience in medicine, state-of-the-art apparatus, specialty, and the ability of the expert staff place the hospital on the pedestal of medical services in the Manly West area.