Frontier Physiotherapy: Group Classes

Frontier Physiotherapy is pleased to announce our new GLAD style hip, knee and ankle osteoarthritis exercise class.

What does it involve?

Our exercise class runs similarly to the GLAD program and involves a combination of mobility exercises, lower limb strengthening, balance and proprioceptive drills, as well as 2×15 minute educational modules.

How Is the program structured?

An initial assessment during session 1: 2x short outcome measures are completed (30sec chair sit to stand test and 40m timed walk test) (OARSI tests).

12 x supervised group exercise sessions: 60 mins duration, delivered twice weekly.

2 x group education sessions: 15mins duration, delivered at the beginning of sessions 1 and 5.

A follow-up assessment: at the end of the 6-week program the two outcome measures are reassessed.

How to access this service?

No formal referral is needed to access our OA exercise program. Patients are able to book their place in a class by calling reception or using our online booking service.

Currently, our sessions run on Tuesday/Thursday, from 8:00-9:00 am, and Saturday mornings from 9am-10am.

What is the cost of this service?

Patients are able to claim private health rebates on the cost of the sessions (item code: 560)

Individual Session$25
Pack of 12 Sessions$200

Why is this service beneficial?

There is currently a lack of GLAD/OA exercises classes in the Wynnum Manly area. Our program provides a private, low-cost alternative to the public system for patients with hip and knee OA.

*See locations of GLAD programs in the Brisbane area.