Our Physiotherapy Service in Manly West & Thornlands

Your personal physiotherapist will begin with taking a thorough history of your condition and will gather as much information as they need to figure out the best plan for getting you better. Next, your therapist will perform a comprehensive evaluation of functional limitations and areas of pain. This will help our therapists design a treatment plan based on your needs and goals. 

The vast majority of patients will also receive some homework in the form of stretches, exercises or mobility drills to further assist their recovery. These are very important so make sure you do them! Any consumables/wearables that you will need to perform your home exercise program such as compression stockings, Tubigrip and TheraBand will be provided to you by your therapist during the session.

Some patients may also benefit from further strength and conditioning as part of their recovery. At Frontier Physiotherapy, we work closely with many commercial gyms and have access to their full-size commercial gyms for all your rehab needs.

Additional Physiotherapy Service

In addition to our usual physiotherapy practice, we also provide additional services which include:

  • Acupuncture & Dry Needling
  • Home Visits
  • Hydrotherapy
  • Gym Based Rehab and Exercise Sessions
  • Nutritional Consults
  • Low Back Pain Specific Assements
  • 1 on 1 Pilates Sessions