The Occupational Physio Case: Do You Really Need It?

In the modern era of economic developments in the service industry, the health problems of workers are increasing. Most complaints have their causes in the physical exertion – according to the motto “What is not used is wasted”. A lack of physical demand results in back pain, joint problems, metabolic disorders, and other diseases. Employees have to take sick leave more and more often.


In addition to physical illnesses, on the other hand, mental problems started to gain momentum, usually caused by stress, high work tempo, and time pressure. Consequently, employees naturally become less productive and less motivated, because everyday work is associated with numerous health issues.


Occupational Physiotherapy

Thanks to these arising issues many companies in the physio Manly West area have started to improve conditions in the workplace. This article focuses on how occupational physio is applied among the workforce in the Manly West area.


Measures Of Workplace Health Promotion


Occupational physio methods applied in physio Manly West clinics are recommended for all diseases related to worker’s society. But the prevention they are promoting is even better. One way to keep the body healthy and fit is to exercise. That is why many physio Manly West clinics offer various exercise programs for employers and their employees. These and many other measures are part of workplace health promotion.


Workplace Physio

The first aim of occupational physio health promotion is to prevent employees from becoming ill at work. It is a modern strategy of companies that strengthens the health of employees and improves their well-being.


Pain or other illnesses often have more than just physical causes. Mental and emotional connections must be examined to be able to cure the disease properly and completely. For this reason, the high-level occupational physio clinics that operate in the physio Manly West precinct play an important role. They promise not only physical but also mental health through a holistic approach. They explain the biological interaction so that the causes of an illness can be understood and a solution can be sought together.


Benefits Of Workplace Health Promotion


Successful implementation of occupational physio health promotion has many advantages for both employers and employees. Company health promotion ensures good performance of all employees. In this way, the company can save money in the long term because the employees perform better and take sick leave less often. This reduces the costs of illness and production losses.


In addition, the state of health amongst the workforce improves and the health risks are reduced. This means that the employee has to go to the doctor less often, so he is more present at the workspace.


This commitment to employees enhances the company’s image and strengthens its competitiveness. Also, the working atmosphere improves due to the satisfaction of the employees. This motivates them to help shape the workplace and the workflow.


Physio Manly West

In continuation of the text, we will present how important proper occupational physio treatment is, through some cases that happened in practice. Let’s look at some of them:


CASE nr.1


Polypipe Group is one of the largest manufacturers of piping systems, climate, and water management systems in Europe with 3,000 workforces across the United Kingdom. As in all other businesses in World, the Polypipe Group company is faced with an aging workforce that provides a wide range of physical tasks and manual handling. The nature of the work performed by the factories often led to an increased degree of injuries among workers, fatigue, unwillingness, and lower motivation. Due to all these reasons, the work itself suffered, which was seen by a constant slight decline in production, as a whole. Thus, the management Board was forced to do something to improve the workers’ condition, in such a way that it would invest in their health.


When we talk about musculoskeletal disorders, the evidence shows that proper occupational physio treatment after an injury occurs helps accelerate the recovery process and also prevents acute health conditions from turning Into chronic.


In August 2020, Polypipe Group engaged Sano Physiotherapy Ltd to provide a six-month occupational physio program. During this period, the highly professional occupational physiotherapists from Sano Physiotherapy Ltd were in charge of monitoring the work process and if an unwanted injury occurs, they immediately proceed to deal with the various treatment methods at their disposal.


Occupational Physio

The program was carried out by one of Sano’s best occupational physiotherapists. He was in a permanent connection with the workers, by giving some educational advice and conducting some treatment methods to the concerned workers who complained of musculoskeletal disorders, back pains, knee problems, etc.


The results were amazing at the end of the pilot program. After the course ended, 99.1% of all educational meetings between the doctor and the workers were held, demonstrating that the service had confidence between employees and managers. Furthermore, of all employees referred, 54% were treated and discharged after finishing the course and returning to recovery levels. 85% of all workers returned to their previous work duties and reported over 75% minimum improvement in their physical symptoms.


Occupational Physio Benefits

After the completion of the program and the conducted numerical research regarding the success, a startling number of 279 saved sick days related to musculoskeletal disorders was reached. Saving 279 sick days during six months in a company with 3.000 workers was outstanding. If we assume that the employee’s earnings are aligned with the national minimum wage and the salary is not increased during sick leave, this leads to data of saving £21,472 in the 6 months, which means at least a 2.5-fold return on investment for Polypipe.


A survey was also conducted among the employees regarding how satisfied they were with the service, and the following figures were arrived at:


  • On the question of ‘How much is possible to recommend the service to a colleague or a friend?’, the outcome was  9.75 (from a scale of 0-10)
  • On the question ‘Did the occupational physio service meet your needs?’ the outcome was 10.
  • On the question ‘Do you agree that the occupational physio service provided by Sano’s physiotherapy has shortened your recovery time?; the outcome was 10.
  • On the question ‘If you have been off work, did attending the occupational physio service lead toward a quicker return to the work process?’ the outcome was 10.


CASE nr.2


After 25 years of experience working in an old metal sheets company, 47 years old Jim hurt his lower back, by lifting a large 60 lbs sheet of metal. He has worked in his current position at the company for the last 10 years.

Occupation Physio

Like any normal working day, while carrying the tin, Jim heard a sound coming from the other part of the hall. He suddenly turned to the left and suddenly felt a sharp pain in his spine. The injury occurred 3 weeks ago, and he has been off work ever since. The pain was serious in intensity in the first hours, and then it steadily decreased, but the movement problems remained. Due to the injury, he can’t return to the working process. The injury was diagnosed as a ‘soft tissue injury.


It’s worth noting that he has a history of back pain from the past. His first injury occurred previously when he worked as a warehouseman responsible for organizing and lifting containers of sheet metal. Then he received L4/L5 disc herniation and had to have surgery. After the surgery, he underwent a six-month rehabilitation process, with both occupational therapy and physiotherapy. Due to the injury, Jim was out of the work process for 12 months. When he returned to the job, his morale and dedication to the work were at a minimum. He was feeling down and withdrawn. Furthermore, he continued to feel low back pain and found the job difficult.


Physio Manly West

After a 3 week’s absence from the work process, Jim has been contacted by the occupational physiotherapist, engaged from the factory where he worked, to ask him about the injury and the expectations of the return to the process. The clinic was engaged from his factory with the purpose to facilitate a return to work process for injured employees. Jim was asked several questions about his duties at work, about other jobs he has worked in the company, and his plan about returning to work. The therapist was scheduled to perform a ‘functional evaluation’ and give some recommendations on his ability to go back to the work.


The occupational physiotherapist practiced the ‘Matheson approach’ as a standardized evaluation protocol, so he determined that Jim could stand for 30 minutes before going to a rest break and for a total of 3 hours during the 6-hour assessment. Jim can lift 30 lbs from knee to waist height and carry 30 lbs over a distance of 100 feet.


Physiotherapy Mainly West

Over the next period, Jim’s health steadily improved. The pain steadily decreased, which led to Jim returning to his daily household duties, and then to his work duties, faster than expected. Thanks to the occupational physio treatment, the initial pessimistic scenario that he could no longer return to work and would be fired from his job was replaced by a gradual normalization of the situation and a gradual return to working conditions.


Do you really need occupational physio treatment?


The above examples show that occupational physio can be really useful. An investment in your health is an investment in а better life. The health and well-being of the workers must be a priority nr.1 for every manager. When it comes to larger factories where work is done in demanding working conditions, hiring a top professional in the field of occupational physio Manly West is a safe bet.


Final Thoughts


Make online research and find out which occupational physio Manly West clinics operate in the area. Find the affordable one and feel free to contact one of them.

The Complete Guide to Occupational Physiotherapy and How it Can Help You to Improve Your Work-life Balance

The word “health” refers to a state of complete emotional and physical well-being. Good health is the key to avoiding stress and living a long and active life and it can be defined as physical, mental, and social well-being, and as the key to a good life. Health also refers not only to the absence of disease but to the ability to recover and protect against disease and other problems, too.


Occupational physiotherapy as one of the oldest forms of so-called worker’s therapy is practiced first in psychiatric institutions, and then in all others institutions where it is needed. The goal of occupational physio is to motivate people to actively participate in purposeful activity. Occupational physiotherapy is most often implemented as a part of group work and physio Manly West area has several occupational physio clinics where interested clients can ask for help.


Physio Guide


Still not sure how occupational physio works? Learn more about occupational physiotherapy as well as the advantages it brings, the financial aspect of such services, and the differences with physiotherapy, below in the text.


What Is Occupational Physio?


Occupational physio therapy is a client-focused socio-health profession that deals with promoting health and well-being in any occupation. Often, life can be unpredictable and unexpectedly put certain barriers in front of people that prevent them from carrying out every day tasks, and most important work activities.


The primary goal of occupational physio Manly West clinics is to enable people to participate in activities of daily living without experiencing any pain or discomfort. Occupational physiotherapists from the physio Manly West area achieve that goal by working with people and communities to improve their ability to engage in the working process, needs, and expectations.


Manly Physio


Furthermore, occupational physiotherapy is carried out to acquire new, better work habits and correct behaviour. The specialists from physio Manly West areas allow clients to acquire new skills and learn to perform tasks that will benefit them after the treatment is over. In addition, all planned, organized and performed activities allow clients to feel useful, see the results of their work, create a positive attitude towards work-life balance, acquire work habits, as well as develop self-discipline.


Occupational physio is recommended to everyone struggling to perform daily tasks and take care of his own wellbeing. This type of therapy isn’t recommended only to elderly people but even yonder people can heave great benefit of it. Occupational physio is also recommended to people who have suffered work-related injuries, everyday injuries, recovering from serios surgary or simply having a difficulty taking care of his own needs.


Benefits Of Occupational Physio


Occupational physio therapy is a type of treatment aimed at helping people of all ages who have functional, motor, perceptual, neuropsychological, and psycho-social disorders. This therapy helps people improve the quality of their life through the performance of various activities, become more self-confident, cope with everyday situations, perform various roles in their life, and continue normal life after they have suffered some sort an injury at work or home. The goal is to achieve maximum independence and freedom in everyday life.


Occupational Physio Guide


For clients/patients who are recovering from injuries or have developmental or cognitive disabilities that affect their motor skills, emotions, or behavior, a licensed occupational physio therapist helps them become independent, improve life skills, and develop the ability to perform ordinary daily activities. They works with people of all age groups to overcome physical obstacles, illnesses, or developmental disabilities and disorders to improve the quality of life of clients/patients and their families.


Occupational physio therapy has been imposed as an important link to our current life. It played a crucial role in improving the well-being of people. Therefore the benefits from this profession are numerous.


Occupational physio therapy brings several advantages to its clients and it especially aims to:


  • Assistance and adaptation in the living environment, the family, and the workplace;
  • Directing and maintaining attention;
  • Improving mood;
  • Encouraging communication;
  • Encouraging independence;
  • Encouraging performing self-care activities in daily activities;
  • Training of perceptual functions;
  • Manual dexterity training;
  • Boosting mood;
  • Proper stress management;
  • It acts on psychosocial activities (through social contacts achieved through group work);
  • Proper management of free time (play, sports, hobbies, interests, socialization);
  • Helps to control and release inappropriate impulses;
  • It helps to accept the person’s own identity.


Is Occupational Physio Expensive?


Occupational physiotherapy is not a cheap medical service here in the physio Manly West area. It could be a serious burden for many people, who can not afford it. Despite the high amount of cost, it is worth using the service, due to the benefits for the body, already shared in the article above. Health must be positioned before all other things.


However, bear in mind that not everyone can afford this type of service, but there is a solution for that as well. Several physio Manly West clinics have started to provide bulk billing payment options, which is certainly a cheaper option.


Occupational Physio


Bulk billing is covered by the Medicare system in Australia in a health insurance form. When you are subscribed with the bulk billing payment option, your occupational physiotherapist accepts the insurance as payment for the service. You won’t have any additional costs for the provided service.


Several physio Manly West clinics admit a bulk billing payment option you just need to find and check which ones. Be also aware that some physio Manly West clinics charge only a part through bulk billing, so you have to pay the difference to the total amount of cost.


What Is The Difference Between Occupational Physio And Physiotherapy?


There are a lot of similarities between occupational physio and physiotherapy. Both of them are focused on the clients to improve their health and well-being. But, differences between them can be found in the methods and practices that are applied in.


Physiotherapy is a treatment with physical agents such as heat, cold, electric current, ultrasound, magnetic field, laser, and movement. However, physiotherapy is much more than that. It is an effort to use all available means to restore the state of balance and full function of both the starting system and the entire organism. It is as much a science as it is an art because it deals with the treatment of diseases, but also with the preservation of health. Physiotherapists by applying therapy, besides treating a specific pain condition or disease, also help the patient to catch up with the natural rhythms of his body, so that the condition without pain or other symptoms is established and maintained.


Physio Manly West


Unlike physiotherapy, occupational physiotherapy has a more holistic approach to coping with some health issues. It heals a person, not a disease. Occupational physio Manly West therapy is practised by professional therapists, through the following 4 golden phases:


  • Occupational physiotherapy is based on an assessment of individual capacities and the difficulties faced by the person in daily functioning. The assessment includes the use of standardized procedures, interviews, observation of the person in various life situations, and consultation with family members and other professional profiles involved in the person’s life.


  • Based on the results of the assessment, the occupational physiotherapist creates an occupational physio plan and sets short-term and long-term treatment goals. The plan should be relevant to the client’s stage of development, life habits, potential, and interests.


  • Treatment focuses on programs that are designed to facilitate the performance of daily activities and adaptation to the environment in which the client plays, learns, lives, and socializes. For example, by providing adapted aids that will facilitate the client’s independence in self-care, removing barriers in the environment, and providing resources to reduce stress.


  • Occupational physio therapist recognizes the importance of teamwork. Collaboration and coordination with other therapists, families, educators, teachers, caregivers, and volunteers are important in realizing a holistic approach.



Final Thoughts


When it comes to physical or mental disorders, people often forget how much strength and potential they have. They feel helpless and do not see a way out. That’s why physio Manly West clinics are here, to constantly remind them how much they can do because all the power is in their hands. They always try to awaken their belief that they can live a wonderful life with as few obstacles as possible because everyone deserves such a life.


We hope that you have already realized the meaning of occupational physio for a healthier, more balanced life. Our health and well-being as the most important aspect of our biological survival must be an inevitable part of our life. We deserve it.

5 Things About Occupational Physio. You Have To Experience It Yourself.

Physical therapy, or physiotherapy, provides services to people to develop, maintain and restore maximum functional mobility and functional ability at all ages. The term ‘occupation’ has commonly the meaning of ‘job’ or ‘how you do about living’. Occupational physiotherapy deals with recognizing and increasing the possibilities of movement within the areas of improvement, prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation.


Occupation covers all of the activities that you would like to do, need to do, or are expected to do to make your life better, from the physical to the mental aspect.


So what are the benefits of occupational physio and onsite physio for companies and workers?


Here are all the details!

What Is Occupational Physio?


Occupational physio is a branch of physical therapy that focuses on the relationship between work and health. It deals with the physical aspects and your ability to do something related to your occupation or well-being. Occupational physiotherapists are specially trained to focus on understanding and improving a person’s functional abilities and through professional methods to enhance a worker’s health status, their productivity, and improve the economy.


Occupational physio therapy has plenty of benefits for the affected group. In the text below we explain in detail why so many people have recently gone for to this soothing method to cope with various disorders.

Occupational physio


How Is Occupational Physio Done?


Occupational therapy, also known as OT, is focused on making daily tasks easier. As a member of a wider family called ‘physiotherapy’, occupational physio therapy focuses on improving your fine and gross motor skills so that you can perform certain daily activities. It is performed by educated professionals with the title ‘occupational physiotherapists’.


An occupational physiotherapist at the very beginning will review your medical history and your condition to determine what your needs are. They will then use this information to create a treatment plan and set specific goals. They also may focus on making your home or school environment more optimal for your daily life.


Occupational physio therapy helps a person improve their functional abilities, unlike physical therapy which is focused only on physical abilities. An occupational physiotherapist does not deal with a person’s bodily injuries. Instead, he emphasizes how it ensures that a person can lead an optimal life despite his or her injuries. He is not a person who generally prescribes drugs.


When we are not able to do our daily activities, due to injury, disability, illness, or any social circumstances, occupational physiotherapists may be a key factor in finding solutions for an easy life.

Occupational physio Manly West


5 Best Things About Occupational Physio


Occupational physio has indeed many benefits and advantages but here we are giving you the list of the five most important things you must know about this type of physiotherapy.


1.   More Active Life


Perfect health – that’s what we all want, isn’t it? Living long and healthy is what we traditionally wish each other on birthdays and other celebrations. Being healthy is a condition that allows us to perform daily tasks, overcome difficulties, and even cross our boundaries. By maintaining physical activity we can achieve more, and at the same time maintain life balance.


Our occupation is crucial for our biological survival and it helps us sustain ourselves during our life span. In some way, it’s a locomotive that pulls our safety and encourages our needs.


But some unexpected issues can emerge and make our very normal daily activities or life habits difficult. This is the point when you have to ask for help from an occupational physio specialist. He will make an assessment of your life in the broadest sense of the word and consequently will support you by helping you to restore your previous healthy habits and daily activities.


Occupational physiotherapists can even provide a junction between mental and informational support, through which you will be able to overcome any emotional issues on a way to a better life.


2.   Mental Clarity


There is an increasing number of people all across the world who suffer from some mental disorders caused by the way of life we are forced to manage. The current speed of life has changed not only the working process generally but our daily duties as well. To be honest, not all people manage to adequately cope with them. All of these issues along with other personal circumstances strike a blow to mental health.


Any kind of mental disorder should be a sufficient reason to think about asking for help from an occupational physiotherapist.


Some world statistics researchers conclude that absenteeism, productivity, and worker morale are directly related to the health of employees. Employers who offer onsite physio support to their employees note significant positive results for workforce performance.


That’s why more and more occupational physio offices provide an onsite physio service to help make the work environment a better place for workers.


By assessing the situation, occupational physiotherapists offer solutions to workplace mental health issues through programs and tasks to improve the mental clarity of a workforce.


Onsite Physiotherapy


3.   Pain Relief


Any kind of pain we feel, whether we are talking about back pain, pain in the arm or leg can be unpleasant. In some cases, the pain makes it difficult for us to perform our ordinary daily duties. Often it is even a reason for a long-term absence from work, due to which more and more employers are forced to react. The latest research shows that some companies are choosing to engage with onsite physio services to overcome declining productivity at work.


Occupational physio therapy might help to overcome the issues above. It’s really helpful as a way to get better pain management. An occupational physiotherapist approaches this more in-depth compared with a regular doctor. He does not apply massages as an ordinary physiotherapist would do but he is more oriented towards advising about changing daily habits, prescribing some exercises, stretching, etc. to feel pain relief.


4.   Better Visual Skills


Visual skills allow people to create a sense of what they see and then interpret what is seen. This motor ability is acquired at birth and is improving during life.


Matching between two same objects, the ability to memorize visual information, the ability to conclude that two objects are the same despite their difference in size or color, the ability to identify two same objects even if few parts are missing or the ability to locate a hidden object in a busy background are examples for visual perceptual skills. However, you may have difficulties with performing these skills. If that is the case then it might be a reason for alarm.


Do you know that occupational physio has a big impact on improving visual skills in people? In many cases where visual skills are not sufficiently developed, especially in children, occupational physio help may be welcomed. Occupational physiotherapists are specially equipped to improve visual skills ability by prescribing special exercises and task-related activities. They also help you participate in normal daily activities for successful and independent daily living through better visual cognition.


The occupational physio therapy process begins with an initial assessment, during which your current level of function will be determined. Afterward, the occupational physiotherapist may set up a customized treatment with a physical therapist or another specialist that will be appropriate for your needs.



5.   Speedier Injury Recovery


Each injury can disrupt many plans and postpones more intense physical activities for a long time. Many athletes, as well as recreational athletes, tend to return to the field or gym as soon as possible, which can only delay a complete recovery for a longer period.


It is similar to all other patients who would like to restore the old rhythm of life as soon as possible, although this is not always realistic given the severity of the injury or the age of which the patient is. Each injury requires adequate recovery, which must take some time so that the body then functions normally and responds properly to all physical activities.

Physiotherapy Benefits - Injury Recovery

The first thing after lying down for a long time and possibly wearing a cast is physical therapy. Occupational physio therapy is a method used to eliminate problems that limit the movement or mobility of a part of the body, as well as to perform daily activities. They use some specially tailored techniques to help people restore daily activities after the injury as soon as possible, assess the living environment, and propose some changes at home. They even provide services to support workers within their workplaces by assisting individuals in their ability to meet the functional requirements to complete their work.


Final Thoughts


The goal of occupational physio therapy is to improve the motor skills you need to perform everyday tasks. They understand that improving health is often the most direct way to return to meaningful occupations. It is useful to realize the meaning occupational physiotherapy could have to your entire life path.


For companies, it is even more important to have an onsite physio who will create a plan for injury prevention and management and also help with workers mental health, posture, injury recovery, and rehabilitation.

What is Occupational Physio? 5 Benefits of Occupational Physio

Accidents at work happen more often than we would like and often the employee is forced to take a rather long time off work to recover which causes the employer to lose money and billable hours.

However, the employee who gets hurt in this scenario loses much more by staying at home. Aside from the financial loss, the employee often loses strength, stamina, and track with everyday work and colleagues. Returning to work causes more stress to the employee than to the employer and often it takes months to return to normal capacity and work speed. Not even to mention the anxiety and keeping up with deadlines or piling up work.

But what if we tell you that in most cases the accident can be avoided and even in the case of an accident the employee can be rehabilitated much faster and have minimal consequences. The secret to a healthy work environment and a more agile team is hiring an onsite physio.

Occupational Physio

Not sure what we are talking about? Keep reading to find out what is occupational physio, how you can hire an onsite physio, and how you and your employees can benefit from it.

What Is Occupational Physio?

Occupational physiotherapy is a branch of physiotherapy that deals with the health of employees. It refers to the relationship between work and health. The more investment in workers’ health is made, the greater productivity of the work process is. Therefore, occupational therapy is a key feature in a healthy and safe workflow. Nowadays, smart employers understand that investment in workers’ health is necessary and an onsite physio isn’t just an additional expense but something that everyone will benefit from.


The Difference Between Occupational And Regular Physiotherapy?

Occupational physio specialists aim to enhance workers’ health conditions, increase their productivity and improve business performance generally. These specialists have gone through special training and practices to understand the link between health and work and this helps them support both workers and employers. Additionally, they will find ways to improve the working environments and ensure that they are suitable for the working process, and promote workers’ health.

Onsite Physio

If you are wondering what is the difference between occupational physiotherapy and regular physiotherapy the answer is that the first one focuses on movements of the small muscle of the body, unlike the second one which focuses on movements using the large muscles of the body. Fine motor skills are crucial for a person to perform their daily self-care tasks such as: brushing teeth, getting dressed, eating, drinking, loading boxes, etc.


How Can A Company Benefit From Hiring An Onsite Physio?

Occupational physio is performed by specialists who are involved in performing impartial and objective assessments and consider what is best for both the employee and the employer. This includes giving various tips regarding the performance of work tasks, improving the work environment, avoiding work tasks that involve an increased risk of injuries in the workplace, and often includes onsite physio activities such as massage, muscle relaxation, simulation of electricity, use of specially designed massage beds, etc.

Occupational physio specialist’s workplace varies, depending on the client’s needs. They usually work at clinics where they provide massages, but often they can visit the company and perform their activities there.

There are some cases where HR Managers or Occupational Health Clinicians organize onsite sessions in specially designed places in the workplace with the aim to educate the employees and managers on how to prevent an accident, how to act in a case of an accident, and what would be the steps after the accident as well as how to maintain overall healthy physique and lifestyle. This has proven to be very beneficial for both parties because physiotherapy has a lot of benefits but only a small amount of them are widely known.

Occupational Physio

When Should A Company Hire An Occupational Physio?

Working success is strongly connected with the health and wellbeing of its workforce. Effective managing the requirements of both parties is crucial to ensure a productive outcome for all. The focus on both the workers and their employer sets occupational physiotherapy apart from the other branches of physiotherapy, where the focus is on the individual.

A company should hire an occupational physio specialist when:

  • The employees spend long hours sitting in front of a computer
  • The employees conduct a job that involves heavy lifting or moving heavy objects
  • The employees complain about constant back, knee, or joints pain
  • Accidents happen at least once a month
  • The number of employees hurt at work has significantly increased in the past 12 months


These scenarios are a red alert that a company may be in need of an onsite physio and that maybe the working conditions have deteriorated over time. However, employers shouldn’t wait for these red flags and should do an evaluation of the workflow and work conditions at least once every 6 months and save the company from potential losses by investing on time and taking care of their teams.


5 Benefits of Occupational Physio for Companies

So what are the main benefits of engaging with an onsite physio and how can your company benefit immediately?There is a wide spectrum of benefits from occupational physio and we will focus on 5 benefits that will be instantly visible.

Let’s dive in.

1.   Improve Employee’s Physical Health

General physical health is the most important element of human existence. General well-being is an important factor for the smooth or painless performance of both daily activities at home and work. Improving the employee’s physical health is an inexhaustible process that HR managers must adhere to.

This type of therapy is becoming more and more popular in Australia. The employees benefit from access to experienced onsite physio specialists that are providing work-related assessment, treatment, and advice. An occupational physio also helps to improve an employee’s physical health which consequently helps to improve job security and minimize injuries at work. As we get older using onsite physio is a fantastic way to support an aging workforce.


2.   Decrease In Sickness Rates

Applying the exercises that the occupational physiotherapist recommends in combination with the advice received regarding the way of life, performing daily activities, etc., can be crucial for decreasing sickness rates among employees. It is always better to act preventively than to face the consequences and that’s why hiring this type of physiotherapist can help companies create a healthier work environment.

The older the body gets, the more susceptible it becomes to various diseases and deformities. Therefore, occupational physio therapists’ help is of great importance to slow down that process and try to avoid the dangers of diseases that lurk.

Occupational Physio

3.   Better Pain Management

Every pain we feel, whether it is back pain, ankle pain, or leg pain might be unpleasant and in many cases might be an obstacle to performing work duties. That’s why hiring an onsite physiotherapist should be a smart move to better pain management.

Additionally, occupational therapy exercises can help for sure. That also helps employees become more educated and aware of how improper body positioning causes the risk of increased pain. Stretching muscle techniques and prescribed manual exercises provided by occupational physiotherapists are designed to reduce pain and it’s so important to be fully committed to them.


4.   Speedier Injury Or Fall Recovery

When injury or trauma occurs the healing in many cases begins in a hospital setting and may continue with at-home treatments. In case when there is an onsite physio available even before the accident the employees will know how to properly act and what to do and not to do. Moreover, a physiotherapist will prepare the body for an injury and thus give the tissues more flexibility. With this flexibility and stamina, the employee will recover faster and better and return to their job duties in no time.

Additionally, after the incident a physical therapist will work with you to ensure your injury heals properly; he will focus on making sure you get flexibility back, and you’re strong enough to get back to an active life.


5.   No More Insurance Companies And Doctors

Insurance companies are an unavoidable aspect when dealing with an injury or accident in a workplace. Their only job is to protect the worker and they will leave no stones unturned. From checking your compliance with health standards and requirements to making sure all safety measures are taken into consideration insurance companies have no mercy when it comes to finding the company for a work injury. They will also hire the best doctors to do examinations and prepare lengthy reports.

However, all of this can be avoided by hiring an onsite physio on time and letting professionals take care of your employee’s health. In case of an injury, you will enable faster recovery for the employee, a shorter inspection process by the insurance company, and overall better conditions for your team.


Final Thoughts

We will summarize by saying that occupational therapy is a type of rehabilitation and prevention care. However, even though occupational therapy has a similar condition to physiotherapy they also have their differences.

Companies can greatly benefit by investing in this type of physiotherapy and bringing an onsite physio to take care of the health of their employees.