The Myths and Facts Behind Onsite Physio

Onsite physio is a must in every company. It is a type of added value in the company’s operations and is slowly but surely emerging as a vital link in the chain, called success. Every responsible manager takes care of occupational health and safety.


But what do we mean when we say ‘occupational health and safety? The most simple definition is that it is all about the protection of the workforce. A branch of physiotherapy with a complex term named onsite physiotherapy deals with it. 


onsite physio


But what is onsite physio anyway? And what does that mean for medicinal practice? Numerous rumors are circulating in the physio Manly West area about the features of onsite physio and the exact effects it has on the business world. Some of them are correct, but most of them are false. To help you to understand the right meaning of onsite physio, we have shared some things about this type of physiotherapy. 


Here you will find an insight into several myths and facts behind onsite physio, which you won’t see in any other place. 


1. One of the workers is trained to be an onsite physiotherapist in your company.


This is a myth. Depending on the operating mode and the associated risks, the number, and composition of the employees, and the company organization, it is necessary to engage a schooled and trained therapist from one of the several onsite physios Manly West clinics. The onsite physio specialist will be in charge of first getting to know the working conditions in your company, proposing measures to improve the conditions if he notices such a thing, and making direct communication with the workers in an attempt to influence and educate them in terms of correct and safe work performance tasks. The onsite physio Manly West specialist is supporting the employer in occupational safety, accident prevention, and all health protection issues. He advises those responsible in the company, gives tips and examines the workers, and observes how occupational safety and health are carried out. This is done using an on-site inspection, after which deficiencies are reported and corrective measures are proposed.


onsite physio manly west


The specialist needs safety-related knowledge and is proven in practical work about physiotherapy and occupational health protection. He supports the business owner in occupational safety and accident prevention planning. He advises, checks the implementation of occupational safety, and participates in instructing and training the employees. Additionally, he makes proposals for measures that the employer is responsible for implementing. Proposals may be rejected, but this must be justified.

2. The onsite physiotherapist is allowed to punish the workers who do their tasks improperly. 


False. The onsite physio Manly West specialist is not here to play the role of a strict teacher. He does not even have the authority to impose sanctions on either employees or employers. As we said above, your onsite physio specialist supports the workforce toward properly and safely performing the work duties. He indicates if a worker works improperly, advises measures to the employer about improving the working conditions, and emphasizes precautions if he perceives danger and increased risk in some aspects of the work.


All of the details and anomalies collected during the observation of the working space are later analyzed and evaluated. A risk assessment is created to identify where deviations and hazards occur and where there is a need for action. Sometimes, he may survey the employees, for example, to determine the psychological stress at work.


physio manly west


It is then considered how hazards can be eliminated or at least reduced. Measures are defined and implemented. For this, specific actions, deadlines, and responsible employees must be named. Regular checks are then a part of the process to keep checking how the measures are having an effect and whether there is still a need to make adjustments.

3. Only employers who manage factories where the workers work in difficult working conditions engage in onsite physiotherapy. Employees who work in sedentary positions in offices don’t need it.


One more myth. As digitalization in the world is rapidly growing, most parts of working positions are performed using a computer. Modern digitalization is imposed in every aspect of our lives. Not only at work, but in our homes too, we spend most of our time sitting. Fast transfer of information, easy availability of information, online shopping, and many more. But in fact, a large number of risks to our health lurk behind that comfort. And that is something that we will meet in several medical prospectuses: Sedentary disease, a disease of the 21st century.




Just because of that, more and more managers in businesses with sedentary activity in the Manly West area, have started to engage onsite physio Manly West agencies and involve them in a working process. The onsite physio specialist is not only educated about supporting the workers who perform in dangerous working conditions, but he is well trained to understand the dangers of what longer sitting has for our bodies, especially for the spine, as well. Also, being too close distance to the monitor entails dangers for the eyes, so education in that direction can be also welcomed.


First of all, the onsite physio Manly West specialist observes the working environment. Then he approaches the education of the employees themselves. It indicates and appeals that long-term sitting for more than half an hour without stopping is a danger of spinal diseases. That is why it is necessary for workers who work in a sitting position to get up every half hour to walk and stretch. He also indicates the proper distance of the monitor from the eyes to avoid unwanted consequences due to radiation. 


The physio Manly West clinics can boast proven results in this field. Several onsite physio clinics in the area are specialized to provide services to workers with sedentary risks.


1. Onsite physiotherapy affects the success of the business


The company that has an onsite physio Manly West therapist engaged and involved in the working process shows a commitment by the management board to the health and well-being of their employees. It means that the managers take care of the workforce. It may also help for the retention of talented and experienced employees and attracting new fresh personnel as well as helping to boost the productivity of your business.


Every successful manager respects his employees and appreciates their commitment to the working process. He knows that the investment in the workers’ health is an investment in better productivity as well. Right here, onsite physio therapy plays a role and helps the manager in achieving the mentioned goals.


manly west onsite physiotherapy


The Human resource department will recognize the benefits of onsite physiotherapy, too. The main one is a decrease in sickness absence rates. The other one is a reduction in a decrease in costly staff turnover. The onsite physio therapy service is considered an intangible benefit for the business and provides human resource professionals with an independent and expert medical opinion on which basis they can make informed decisions relating to employees with health issues.

2. Onsite physiotherapy is not an expensive investment for the business


At first, the engagement of the onsite physio Manly West specialist may seem like an additional expensive cost for the business. However, if you research a little deeper and get into the essence of the service, you will realize that you invest in long-term savings costs. Let’s think about how much the workers’ absence from work costs the employer. In some cases, the whole recovery process of the worker is paid by the employer. But even if this is not the case, in most cases, the long absence of an employee entails the need to hire an additional workforce, training, etc., which means extra material expenses for the company.




Exactly the opposite, the onsite physio service can be a cost-effective option for the employer. He only needs to provide a treatment couch and a private room that doesn’t occupy a big space. Most onsite physio Manly West therapists are registered with medical insurers and the fees can be charged to the insurer. Several scientific studies on this topic show that physiotherapy is a more worthwhile investment in the long run if you compare the costs of hiring them for a certain period and the costs that the company would incur related to workplace injuries plus the costs of rehabilitation of the worker. 


That is why onsite physiotherapy is more than a cost-effective investment for an employer toward reducing injuries in the workplace. Direct and easy access to expert assistance allows for timely intervention and stopping potential problems in the future.

3. Onsite physio contributes to a happier and more self-confident workforce


The presence of an experienced onsite physio Manly West specialist improves the workers’ self-confidence. Knowing the fact that they have someone to rely on if something unpredictable happens, makes them more committed to their work duties and produces better results. Most of the successful leading boards testify that the productivity of their businesses is directly proportional to the emotional condition of the employees. If the worker is satisfied and feels secure, he is more focused to conduct the tasks in a better way. Otherwise, productivity will mostly be descending if it is not invested in his happiness enough.


onsite physiotherapy facts


One of the main tasks that the onsite physio Manly West specialist has, is to educate the employees properly to do their tasks. He promotes occupational health and explains the meaning of it in their lives generally. It contributes to the employees feeling more comfortable and being careful during work as much as possible. 

Final Thoughts


We hope that we managed to clarify the real meaning of onsite physio and its role in a business’s functioning. We tried to distinguish the myths that circulate above the term and the real facts that follow it. 


It’s your turn to research which physiotherapist clinics in the physio Manly West area provide an onsite physio service. Review the specific details shared on their websites and feel free to get in touch with some of them.

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