What Is Workcover Physio and how to apply for bulk billing in Queensland Australia
Just a few years ago, physiotherapy was a discipline or activity that was very little known in society. It is a discipline that uses various physical techniques to restore certain functionality of the human body. It deals with recognizing and increasing the possibilities of movement within the areas of improvement, prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation.
When it comes to the body suffering from hard work, things are no different. The more a person is exposed to hard physical work, the greater the chances of an injury, which in many cases forces the person to abstain from work for a longer period. It also makes it difficult to perform daily activities.
The only thing that can help in dealing with this type of problem is physiotherapy. The professional observation of the body by the physiotherapist is a basis for determining the physiotherapeutic diagnosis and intervention strategy.
If you need a physio but aren’t sure how Workcover Physio works and how to apply Bulk Billing Physio then this article is for you. We cover in detail how you can benefit from physiotherapy, what is Workcover physio and how you can enjoy the benefits of bulk billing.
Benefits Of Physio
Physiotherapy as a kind of medical service has become more relevant in recent years. People have realized that the body must be priority number one in their lives and have started investing in their health and well-being now more than ever.
Visiting a physiotherapist has many advantages. In particular for those who are exposed to the risks of hard physical work or a sedentary lifestyle. You should not only ask for help when you get some injury, but you should think about visiting physiotherapy preventively. It might be a burden on your wallet, but the benefits are incomparably greater than the cost.
Physical therapy or physiotherapy is a medical method that, according to the definition, uses the energy of nature for the treatment and prevention of various health problems, conditions, and diseases. Most serious injuries or illnesses that make it difficult for you to perform daily activities and limit normal movement can often be alleviated with physical therapy. Sometimes only physical therapy can certainly reduce pain and improve the patient’s quality of life.
From the multitude of benefits brought by physical therapy we single out the following ones: eliminates pain, increases mobility, improves circulation throughout the body, accelerates metabolism, accelerates the healing of sports and other injuries, increases flexibility, improves balance, and so on.
Physical therapy has a huge implication for the workforce. Especially for workers who do hard physical work. Following are the most important benefits workers have from physiotherapy.
- Recovery from injuries – Physical therapy can help with recovery from injuries and prevention so that injuries do not reoccur. It helps to relieve pain in muscles, tendons, or ligaments, strengthens muscles, and increases flexibility and range of motion.
- Physiotherapy helps in preventing the onset of disease – Physiotherapy is usually applied once things have taken a turn for the worse. It is of particular importance to take a proactive approach to improve the well-being of the workforce and manage Physiotherapy has a high knowledge of the health issues caused by poor working habits. Physiotherapists understand the importance of acting preventively, so they can recognize contributing factors that lead to work-related injuries. The physiotherapist understands the working practices and needs of the workers, so they create a strategy specially adjusted to them.
- Making a prompt and correct diagnosis – Hard physical work is closely related to musculoskeletal disorders before the condition becomes chronic. A physiotherapist is trained to notice signs of such a disorder, such as decreased grip strength, loss of limb function, and muscle weakness. He can also identify workers facing such risks and provide them with timely intervention through screening.
What Is Workcover Physio?
Workcover physio is an insurance policy that covers most workers in Australia. Its goal is to provide support and rehabilitation for every employee who suffered an injury during work or occupational disease as a result of a workplace incident. The Workcover physio scheme is adjusted to help workers return to the working process, after work-related injury or illness. A multitude of scientific research shows that early and proper physiotherapy intervention contributes toward shorter injury recovery and provides an earlier return to work. Be aware that Workcover physio covers only injuries that occur during the working process, not before or after that. If you hurt your knee during work, the Workcover physio service is applicable, but if you fell off a scooter outside of work, you cannot apply for Workcover physio benefits.
Workcover physio program includes all kinds of physical injuries that happen during work hours such as stretches, sprains, fractures, industrial deafness, lacerations, or burns. The whole rehabilitation process, starting with the injury until the final return to work, must be collaborative and supportive between all parties involved. The employee itself, the employer, and the Workcover physio office have to communicate with each other to contribute towards faster returning of the worker to the working process, and managing the process.
Every injured worker who suffered the injury during the working process, or has suffered from an illness linked with the working process is most likely eligible for treatment that is funded partially or completely by the Workcover physio program. If you have a Workcover physio claim, it’s recommended to review the list of local physiotherapists that work with the Workcover Physio program. Get in touch with one of them and submit your Workcover physio claim.
Most of the Workcover physio services include 5 treatment sessions. After initial sessions, the health condition will be reconsidered and if necessary, the physiotherapist will suggest the next steps, until the final recovery. Most of the services provided by the physiotherapist are covered by the Workcover physio program and there will be no costs. In most cases, Workcover physio covers the full fee of the treatment. Some additional aspects of the recovery process may be covered by the Workcover physio framework, but it depends on case by case.
Here is the simplified guideline for applying to the Workcover physio program:
After the injury is sustained, the first thing the employee must do is visit a physiotherapist who collaborates with the Workcover physio program. The physiotherapist issues a medical certificate and the employee seeks appropriate treatment. After that, the employee submits a compensation application, and the employer lodges a report and develops a recovery plan. Furthermore, the employee submits a claim and waits for an answer (usually not more than 20 days). In more complex claims it’s recommended for the employer to cooperate with the Workcover physio office in the direction of more successful implementation of the recovery plan. Finally, after the claim is finalized, the employee returns to the working process.
What Is Bulk Billing?
Have you ever heard of health care provided by a professional physiotherapist at no cost? If you are wondering if it is possible, the answer is YES. Bulk billing physio provides physiotherapist’s service you don’t have to pay for it. Bulk billing physio therapist accepts the benefit provided by Medicare as full payment for the service.
Bulk billing physio is defined as a payment option under the Medicare system of physiotherapy services. Physiotherapy treatment can be a long process and very expensive at the same time. Faced with enormous costs of the service, not everyone can afford it. Especially because the length of the treatment can not be predicted. That is exactly why bulk billing physio is a recommended option for any of us.
You should keep in mind that not all physio clinics in Queensland, Australia accept bulk billing physio. The first thing you must do before you make an appointment is to review the physio clinics nearby and check if your favorite is on the Bulk billing physio list. For more information about which physiotherapists apply the bulk billing physio option, which terms are open for an appointment, price, location, etc., you can easily look online.
The bulk billing physio option covers all costs of services provided by the bulk billing physio specialist. In that way, you won’t have additional costs for the received health service. The physiotherapist will charge for the provided service via the patient’s Medicare card. The purpose of the bulk billing physio program is to limit medical fees. You not only get a quality physio treatment, but you save money, too. Otherwise, if your physiotherapist doesn’t pay the bulk bill, you will have to pay all costs caused by the treatment. Therefore, do a check in advance to be sure.
Finally, let’s summarize that two conditions must be met for the medical service to be applicable for the bulk billing physio option:
- You have to be enrolled in Medicare
- The physiotherapist chooses to apply the bulk billing physio
If you are not a part of the Medicare system yet, do not waste time anymore. Grab the opportunity and apply for the bulk billing physio program.
Final Thoughts
Neglecting the treatment of the disease can cause serious complications. Therefore, be faster than the pain and contact some of the physiotherapists covered by the Bulk billing physiotherapy program as soon as you feel discomfort because our health must come first!