5 Things About Occupational Physio. You Have To Experience It Yourself.
Physical therapy, or physiotherapy, provides services to people to develop, maintain and restore maximum functional mobility and functional ability at all ages. The term ‘occupation’ has commonly the meaning of ‘job’ or ‘how you do about living’. Occupational physiotherapy deals with recognizing and increasing the possibilities of movement within the areas of improvement, prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation.
Occupation covers all of the activities that you would like to do, need to do, or are expected to do to make your life better, from the physical to the mental aspect.
So what are the benefits of occupational physio and onsite physio for companies and workers?
Here are all the details!
What Is Occupational Physio?
Occupational physio is a branch of physical therapy that focuses on the relationship between work and health. It deals with the physical aspects and your ability to do something related to your occupation or well-being. Occupational physiotherapists are specially trained to focus on understanding and improving a person’s functional abilities and through professional methods to enhance a worker’s health status, their productivity, and improve the economy.
Occupational physio therapy has plenty of benefits for the affected group. In the text below we explain in detail why so many people have recently gone for to this soothing method to cope with various disorders.
How Is Occupational Physio Done?
Occupational therapy, also known as OT, is focused on making daily tasks easier. As a member of a wider family called ‘physiotherapy’, occupational physio therapy focuses on improving your fine and gross motor skills so that you can perform certain daily activities. It is performed by educated professionals with the title ‘occupational physiotherapists’.
An occupational physiotherapist at the very beginning will review your medical history and your condition to determine what your needs are. They will then use this information to create a treatment plan and set specific goals. They also may focus on making your home or school environment more optimal for your daily life.
Occupational physio therapy helps a person improve their functional abilities, unlike physical therapy which is focused only on physical abilities. An occupational physiotherapist does not deal with a person’s bodily injuries. Instead, he emphasizes how it ensures that a person can lead an optimal life despite his or her injuries. He is not a person who generally prescribes drugs.
When we are not able to do our daily activities, due to injury, disability, illness, or any social circumstances, occupational physiotherapists may be a key factor in finding solutions for an easy life.
5 Best Things About Occupational Physio
Occupational physio has indeed many benefits and advantages but here we are giving you the list of the five most important things you must know about this type of physiotherapy.
1. More Active Life
Perfect health – that’s what we all want, isn’t it? Living long and healthy is what we traditionally wish each other on birthdays and other celebrations. Being healthy is a condition that allows us to perform daily tasks, overcome difficulties, and even cross our boundaries. By maintaining physical activity we can achieve more, and at the same time maintain life balance.
Our occupation is crucial for our biological survival and it helps us sustain ourselves during our life span. In some way, it’s a locomotive that pulls our safety and encourages our needs.
But some unexpected issues can emerge and make our very normal daily activities or life habits difficult. This is the point when you have to ask for help from an occupational physio specialist. He will make an assessment of your life in the broadest sense of the word and consequently will support you by helping you to restore your previous healthy habits and daily activities.
Occupational physiotherapists can even provide a junction between mental and informational support, through which you will be able to overcome any emotional issues on a way to a better life.
2. Mental Clarity
There is an increasing number of people all across the world who suffer from some mental disorders caused by the way of life we are forced to manage. The current speed of life has changed not only the working process generally but our daily duties as well. To be honest, not all people manage to adequately cope with them. All of these issues along with other personal circumstances strike a blow to mental health.
Any kind of mental disorder should be a sufficient reason to think about asking for help from an occupational physiotherapist.
Some world statistics researchers conclude that absenteeism, productivity, and worker morale are directly related to the health of employees. Employers who offer onsite physio support to their employees note significant positive results for workforce performance.
That’s why more and more occupational physio offices provide an onsite physio service to help make the work environment a better place for workers.
By assessing the situation, occupational physiotherapists offer solutions to workplace mental health issues through programs and tasks to improve the mental clarity of a workforce.
3. Pain Relief
Any kind of pain we feel, whether we are talking about back pain, pain in the arm or leg can be unpleasant. In some cases, the pain makes it difficult for us to perform our ordinary daily duties. Often it is even a reason for a long-term absence from work, due to which more and more employers are forced to react. The latest research shows that some companies are choosing to engage with onsite physio services to overcome declining productivity at work.
Occupational physio therapy might help to overcome the issues above. It’s really helpful as a way to get better pain management. An occupational physiotherapist approaches this more in-depth compared with a regular doctor. He does not apply massages as an ordinary physiotherapist would do but he is more oriented towards advising about changing daily habits, prescribing some exercises, stretching, etc. to feel pain relief.
4. Better Visual Skills
Visual skills allow people to create a sense of what they see and then interpret what is seen. This motor ability is acquired at birth and is improving during life.
Matching between two same objects, the ability to memorize visual information, the ability to conclude that two objects are the same despite their difference in size or color, the ability to identify two same objects even if few parts are missing or the ability to locate a hidden object in a busy background are examples for visual perceptual skills. However, you may have difficulties with performing these skills. If that is the case then it might be a reason for alarm.
Do you know that occupational physio has a big impact on improving visual skills in people? In many cases where visual skills are not sufficiently developed, especially in children, occupational physio help may be welcomed. Occupational physiotherapists are specially equipped to improve visual skills ability by prescribing special exercises and task-related activities. They also help you participate in normal daily activities for successful and independent daily living through better visual cognition.
The occupational physio therapy process begins with an initial assessment, during which your current level of function will be determined. Afterward, the occupational physiotherapist may set up a customized treatment with a physical therapist or another specialist that will be appropriate for your needs.
5. Speedier Injury Recovery
Each injury can disrupt many plans and postpones more intense physical activities for a long time. Many athletes, as well as recreational athletes, tend to return to the field or gym as soon as possible, which can only delay a complete recovery for a longer period.
It is similar to all other patients who would like to restore the old rhythm of life as soon as possible, although this is not always realistic given the severity of the injury or the age of which the patient is. Each injury requires adequate recovery, which must take some time so that the body then functions normally and responds properly to all physical activities.
The first thing after lying down for a long time and possibly wearing a cast is physical therapy. Occupational physio therapy is a method used to eliminate problems that limit the movement or mobility of a part of the body, as well as to perform daily activities. They use some specially tailored techniques to help people restore daily activities after the injury as soon as possible, assess the living environment, and propose some changes at home. They even provide services to support workers within their workplaces by assisting individuals in their ability to meet the functional requirements to complete their work.
Final Thoughts
The goal of occupational physio therapy is to improve the motor skills you need to perform everyday tasks. They understand that improving health is often the most direct way to return to meaningful occupations. It is useful to realize the meaning occupational physiotherapy could have to your entire life path.
For companies, it is even more important to have an onsite physio who will create a plan for injury prevention and management and also help with workers mental health, posture, injury recovery, and rehabilitation.
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